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leadership | connection | performance

It's tough at the top when you're running out of ideas to help your staff help themselves...

I help you help your staff learn to lead themselves - to check themselves before they wreck themselves!

Most business leaders feel the overwhelming sense of complexity right now, and the resulting weight of responsibility for the mental health of their team. Dragging themselves to work with that heavy sinking feeling because they’re not doing great mentally themselves, and they want their team to work in harmony, be engaged and not stay in bed all day with the cat!

You’re not alone.  It’s really common for high performing leaders and executives to feel that overwhelm. And just as common to feel they should know 'everything' to fix it.

That’s exactly why I’ve designed a dedicated framework to help business leaders support their workers and grow effective teams that talented people want to be in.  When they – leaders and team - do the workshops or group coaching, everyone becomes more aware and focused, teams engage, morale is boosted and performance improves. People motivate and lead themselves!

It’s the most holistic and deliberate way to ensure resilient happy teams and better 'human experiences' for everyone.

Did You Know?

The #1 skill being looked for in leadership today is Emotional Intelligence.

The #1 necessity for effective teams is Psychological Safety.

So whether you're a leader of a family, 10 or 10,000 people, you're a human first and foremost. Which means you have emotions, fears, self limiting beliefs and a different view of the world from everyone else.  Self Leadership, EQ and Resilience skills ensure you live, learn, lead and love wholeheartedly.

Life, leadership and love - what a worthwhile investment!

Getting help to help your team is the BEST INVESTMENT you'll ever make

Positive Psychology shows us that happier people are smarter, healthier, more creative and 31% more productive

Being a great leader means being comfortable that you can't be expected to know everything.  You just don't know what you don't know!

  • 53% of NZ workers are feeling burnout from work (employment hero 2022)

  • Research shows that 25% of staff are suffering with chronic stress in silence

  • The pandemic has meant that 41% of people place less importance on their career (employment hero 2022)

  • 50% of us are more likely to be loyal to an employer whose commitment to health is good (employment hero 2022) AND they're more satisfied, more committed and more productive

  • 1 in 5 people will experience depression in any given year (

  • Only 30% of large scale change efforts succeed - meaning 70% don't costing billions

  • The return on investment for health and wellness is between $2.30 and $10.10 (PwC)

  • Employees of organisation who invest in their 'whole health' are nearly 8 times more engaged  (Right Management Research, NZ and Workplace Survey 2017)

  • Organisations where health and wellbeing is promoted have better financial performance by 2.5 times (Right Management Research, NZ and Workplace Survey 2017)

What I do in less than 2 minutes...

I HELP LEADERS WHO WANT TO HELP THEIR TEAM.  People who are overwhelmed and struggling with the weight of responsibility for their team. You know, that heavy sinking feeling you get when you’re not doing great mentally yourself, but you still want your team to work effectively and nicely, and not stay in bed all day with the cat!

I HELP OTHER HUMANS TOO. Whether you’re a leader of a family, 10 or 10,000 people, you’re human first & foremost, so with 1:1 'self-mastery' Coaching I help you understand your emotional operating system and your 'derailers', however elusive.  You’ll become more aware, gain clarity and acceptance of what these derailers are, and get super clear on the aligned action you need to take to get out of your own way and reach your goals. This empowers you to be YOU in a world of adversity, uncertainty and complexity. And people!

HOW I DO IT: Using my unique OMM framework – and an authentic + informal approach (no PowerPoint in sight!) - I design and build transformational learning experiences for teams.  My framework cuts through the conceptual jungle of psychology and theory to deliver a unique ‘lived learning’ experience, rich in stories, practices, conversations + opportunities to leverage the wisdom in the room. My framework is non clinical, backed by evidence, science, research and using cutting edge best practice facilitation methods.

WHICH MEANS THAT: Everyone becomes more aware, focused + connected, so morale is boosted, productivity and profit improves. It’s the most holistic + deliberate way to ensure resilient happy teams and better times. Research proves it!

WHAT OTHERS SAY: “Rhonda has both the professional and innate skills to help people correct the difficulties we all share in understanding ourselves, trusting others, communicating successfully, honouring our potential and feeling authentic and confident.”

THIS IS ME: For 25 years I was a leader too, I have the burnout bruises! I’ve recovered & transformed to become a lifelong learner.  I'm a qualified professional transformational coach (not to be confused with a life coach) and a mindfulness and resilience facilitator  I’m still a perfectly imperfect human being (and a human doing!) just like you. With 1 hubby, 4 acres + 5 kids!

Positive Psychology

Substance of My Mahi

Vulnerability is the #1 requirement for connection and trust (Brene Brown)

Psychological safety is the #1 pathway to effective teams (Google's Aristotle Project plus more...)

Emotional intelligence is the #1 skill being looked for in leaders (SixSeconds plus more...)

Mindfulness is the #1 tool for stress reduction (anyone who has ever practiced mindfulness - plus research!)

And that's why I use neuroscience and research, and the research backed tools of mindfulness, and positive psychology to inform all of my work.

HOW TO lead yourself (and grow an awesome + effective team)

(Self) Leadership, Emotional Intelligence & Resilience are skills we can all learn. Just like building our biceps, with practice, tools and support, we can improve our mental fitness & emotional operating system so we get that human experience upgrade! 


  • I offer workshops, programmes, group coaching and 1:1 coaching.

  • I use the science and research backed tools of mindfulness, positive psychology and neuroscience.

  • I hear you and I care about finding out what really matters for you, to get to the 'real stuff', whatever that is for YOU and/or your team.

We all learn and practice differently, so here's 3 ways to start your transformation with me.

Here's a bit more about Our Minds Matter approach for teams

Example Themes for your Team

Exactly what is happening for you and your team will be unique. Here's some of what I offer, all packaged up, which may be a great start for a conversation about your team's unique needs.

  • Mindfulness Leadership - what it takes to be a great leader today, be prepared to be surprised

  • Leading Change Efforts - navigate change and inspire others to embrace change in your workplace. The ability to adapt to + effectively lead change is 'the' ability to complete in the future

  • Mindfulness Productivity - is less about time management and more about attention management!

  • Thriving Teams in Action - creating a culture of psychological safety, connection and trust so you can get the mahi done happily and effectively! We sneak the 'medicine in the cheese'.

  • Values in Action/Alignment - aligning values and behaviour inside your organisation. Rather than 'learning how to' we create a lived learning experience around values.

  • The Resilience Gym - flexing your resilience muscles so you can thrive in adversity and uncertainty.

  • Unlocking Human Potential - equip yourself with the Emotional Intelligence ("EQ") tools to lead + unlock human potential. PS: EQ is the most sought after skill in leaders today.

  • Personal Effectiveness | Self Leadership - starts with brain science and mind matters - you can't change that of which you aren't aware!

  • Rebuilding & Reconnecting Your Team - tapping into your team's beliefs, courage and creative genius is critical to any recovery

  • Buffering Burnout - creating a burnout proof culture in your workplace, and for the individuals. Less about workload, more about the real reasons your best people leave

  • Advancing in Adversity - building a growth mindset culture so that adversity, near misses and failures are embraced as opportunities for growth, innovation and learning

Curious what others have to say?

Integral part of the support we provide to our staff

"It has been game changing for us to have Rhonda supporting the team at HMS Trust.  She brings great insight and support to our team and does so in an encouraging and supportive way, while also challenging one’s thinking.  As a leader in an organisation you are always thinking how to invest and support your team and even more so in the last two years with the impact of Covid on mental –health and well-being.  Rhonda has become an integral part of the support we provide to our staff and others connected to our organisation.  One of our  organisations’ values is family and Rhonda has become one of our family." -  Ellie Wilkinson

Having control of my mind can have positive effects on all aspects of my wellbeing was eye opening

"Before completing the Mindfulness ABC course, I thought that I was already mindful.  I quickly realised that I was good at understanding the emotions but did not have the awareness or tools to deal with them correctly.  This course gave me plenty of tools, time and support to practice mindfulness.  Understanding that “I” am the one that controls “my mind” and that having control of my mind can have positive effects on all aspects of my wellbeing was eye opening." - Jack Clayton, GM Waikato Institute Leadership & Sport Studies.

Maybe 1:1 Leadership coaching is the best option for your team?

Or perhaps 1:1 coaching is the best option in your workplace?

Yes we run workshops and group coaching, but the impact of 1:1 coaching can also have a profound impact on a work environment.  A Harvard Business Review of 140 leading executive coaches showed that while only 3% of coaches were hired to attend to the personal lives of executives, over 75% of the coaches found themselves assisting executives with personal issues - the 'whole' of themselves.  

You see, the "opponent within is more formidable than the one outside". Just an option!

What's the difference between a workshop and group coaching?

Great question - and it forms part of working out whether I'm a good fit to achieve your outcomes

Workshops and Group Coaching explained

Workshops are a series of 60-90mins session with a larger group. Content includes interaction, exercises and sharing of stories.  Attendance may be mandatory, or voluntary.  Normally 6-8 sessions and up to 25 people. These can be face or face or online for a remote workforce.

A Group Coaching approach is for smaller groups - from 4-10 people.  Again, 6-8 sessions are a minimum and they are more powerful if face to face off site. Using the wisdom in the room, and making more space to deal with individual's struggles, saboteurs and strengths, the impact can be more profound.

Awesome teams I get to partner with include:


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